Friday, 7 October 2011

Having Fun with Go Animate

Just a little digression. I will get back to sharing about the 3VCC shortly.

I just want to share with you about an animation website I have come across recently, called Go Animate. It is very easy to use. You choose a number of characters, choose the voices for each character and type in your dialogue for each. Sometimes you need to play around with your words and punctuation to get the dialogue to sound natural, but it doesn't take very long to do.You can animate and move your characters as well.  The site has both free and paid memberships.

I thought I would experiment and create two videos relevant to counselling. I think Steven Spielberg's job is very safe! lol, but I think the animation site has a lot of potential.

I am very much the novice here, but thought I would share it with you.

Clip 1: The Danger of Why Questions  Don't forget to use full screen.

Clip 2: Fighting Demon Thoughts - Part I: I tried to be creative about negative self-talk here. There will be other clips, but at this stage it looks like negative self-talk is coming from a demon-like character. The later clips will reveal how the "demon" is negative self-talk within the individuals, the heroes of the clip, and will lead into some useful cognitive strategies to address this.So it is a work in progress. The volume for the "demon" needs to be better at times, but as stated before, I am just dabbling at this point:

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